About osteoporosis
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Diagnosis of osteoporosis

Today, diagnosis of such diseases as osteoporosis is not too difficult for physicians. The main thing - to see a specialist in a timely manner, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, this popular diagnostic method is X-ray is not able to show the degree of osteoporosis, therefore, is not used for detection of the disease. Using X-ray doctor can only determine the possible presence of osteoporosis by changes in the state of the human bones. However, to identify the details of the bones must be able to use digital methods of diagnosis.

Densitometry - the study of bone density, which is the key for the diagnosis of diseases such as osteoporosis. This method is the most popular and accessible to everyone, thanks to the three methods of:

  • Dual-energy computed densitometry using X-rays.
  • Computed tomographic densitometry;
  • Ultrasound densitometry;
  • After diagnosis by a suitable method to carry out certain kinds of osteoporosis and its performance compared to a healthy person, and research results.

The most accurate, however, and the most expensive ultrasound densitometry. This method allows the study to determine the rate of passage of the ultrasound pulse through the bone. During osteoporosis bone tissue is destroyed, and in the place of the dead cells are formed cavities. Thus, reduced bone density and changes of the speed of ultrasound.

Whichever method you osteoporosis diagnosis for themselves you choose, remember that the diagnosis of the disease should always be carried out by experts, so the detection of the first symptoms of osteoporosis consult a specialist.

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