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Osteoporosis Treatment folk methods

Traditional methods of treatment of osteoporosis, as well as the treatment of other diseases include fees herbs and teas, which normalize the hormonal balance.

Recipe 1

Take dry wormwood, woodruff herb fragrant and sleep-grass. To the mixture will need one teaspoon of woodruff and a mugwort, a herb sleep should add two spoons. Prepared collection pour half a liter of hot water (Note, the water should be no higher than 70 degrees) and let stand for an hour. The resulting infusion drink 60 grams four times a day. The same recipe will be effective for the prevention of osteoporosis. Effective treatment of osteoporosis by taking the collection is recommended for 3-5 months.

Recipe 2

Very effective against osteoporosis will help one of the most common for home treatment plants: dry dandelion root, herb St. John's wort, Thlaspi arvense, Barbarea vulgaris, calamus root. The plants take one teaspoon per cup of water. Insist to be for an hour and drink throughout the day.

Recipe 3

For the treatment of osteoporosis is very useful to use extracts of geranium, horsetail and knotweed. These herbs lead to normal metabolic processes in the body, as well as contribute to the absorption of calcium and silicon, which are a direct effect on bone strength.

These plants are used by the people for many centuries, this course will be useful for the human body. However, do not self-medicate and consult a doctor before using them.

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